March 27, 2009, Newsletter Issue #136: Pools & Child Safety Measures

Tip of the Week

Pools can be a lot of fun but they can also be very dangerous for an unsupervised child. If you have a pool in your backyard use wireless motion detectors in the surrounding area in case one of the little guys gets away from you.

They can alert you if a child is near the pool when they are not supposed to be and help avoid an accident before it happens. Outdoor security cameras near the pool are also a great way of monitoring the area for child safety.

Make sure that you do not leave toys like water tubes lying on the ground around the pool either. These can easily go unnoticed and cause children to trip and fall into the pool.

Obviously the first priority is to not let children get near the pool without adult supervision, but it is always a good idea to take extra safety precautions when it comes to your children, and home security systems with motion detectors can help do that.

If you have a gate around the pool area make sure to keep it locked to ensure child safety at home.

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